Gujarat University Programs List And Solution

1. Write a program to create a calculator with functionality like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power, log, square root, square etc.. 

2. Write a program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit. Take one value from user either Fahrenheit or Celsius. Use Radio button control  and it's events. 

3. Design interface and implement functionalities for Loan calculator. Take Amount, No of installmentsand Rate of interest from the user. Also user can choose Early Pay option through a checkbox. Calculateinstallment amount using pmt() function. Do proper validation for inputs taken by the user.

4. Design a form having two text boxes, combo box and a label. Make the validation so that user can enteronly numbers in both texboxes, if user has entered both numerical values then make the combo boxvisible. The combo box has options like 'ADD', 'SUB', 'MUL' and 'DIV'. According to user's choice fromfrom combo, result will display in label.

5. Create an application with a textbox in which user can enter a sentence then displays1) Number of vowels2) Number of spaces3) Number of digits 4) Number of special symbols When user press “analysis” button.

6. Design and implement a Tic Tack Toe game (Two Player).

7. Write a program to transfer an item from First Listbox to Second Listbox and from Second Listbox to First.

8. Print multiplication table into Listbox. For multiplication take value using Numeric up down.

9. Take 3 Radio buttons showing the name of 3 Countries. Load the image of the Flag of the country selected by the user from the given Radio buttons in the Picture box.

10. Take a Timer control which will delay to load MainForm by 10 seconds. Show the progress bar in the wait time. Also use Time control to scroll a label having text “Gujarat University”, also take two more labels to show date and time on the tick event of the timer.

11. Take 3 Scrollbars indicating values of Red, Green and Blue colors from 0 to 255. Take 3 labels to show the values of the scroll bars. Depending upon values selected by the user with the help of scrollbars make a color and shows it in the picture box. Place a button having text ‘Apply Color’, and on the click event of the button apply that color to the form.

12. Implement Textpad application using Rich textbox. Make menus like File (New, Open Save, SaveAs and Exit), Edit (Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo), Format (Bold, Italic, Underline, Font, Color) etc. Use all common dialog controls and implement functionalities.

13. Take a Rich Textbox and implement Find, FindNext, Replace and ReplaceAll functionalities.

14. Write a program to Read and Write Text file

15. Write a program to Read and Write Binary file

16. Accept no from user and perform following operations using user defined sub routines or functions: 1) Factorial of number 2) Odd/even

17. Create MDI form. It must have File menu with option open, Close and Exit. It should also have window menu to arrange the child forms like Tile Horizontal, Tile Vertical, Cascade and Arrange Icons.

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